Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1) What does the inscription on the gates of Hell imply about the divine perspective on the sinful and about the place of Hell in God's plan? Consider, for instance, the phrase "PRIMORDIAL LOVE" -- how does Hell being formed with love seem strange to our modern ears? How does the inscription indirectly explain why the damned are so eager to cross Acheron and receive their punishment?

The inscription on the gates of Hell implies that God created Hell out of love for humanity. Though at first this does not seem to make sense, upon closer inspection one can clearly see Dante's reasoning. God so loved humanity that he gave them the gift of free will, and hell is a place for those who choose to disobey God.

Hell is a testament to God's gift of free will. In the medieval Catholic interpretation, humans were the only beings to possess free will. No other creature on earth could choose their destiny like humans could. Dante writes that "Here you shall pass among the fallen people/ souls who have lost the good of intellect." In Dante's world, humans were the only creatures that possessed the ability to choose to disobey God. Other monsters are in hell, but they are in hell as a representation of the sins of man, not because they choose to disobey God. This gift results in these sinners, who choose to disobey God. Their actions are displeasing to God, so they cannot enter heaven, but God still loves all of his creations. Because of this love, God creates hell as the place for sinners after death. Hell is representative of God's love in that the all powerful God recognizes the ability of man to choose their own destiny, and respects that decision. God stil loves these sinners enough to grant them their conscience, but due to their sins they can never be with God.

The interpretation that hell is the place for sinners can be used to explain why the sinners are so anxious to move on to their circle of hell. Their desire to get to their circle can be explained partially as morbid curiosity, but mostly as a wish to fulfill the destiny that they choose. One of the greatest fears of man, that of death, no longer applies to these sinners. They have been granted eternal life by God. It will not be a pleasant eternity, but they will be among peers, and will be judged justly. tHey have chosen this path, and they are anxious to finally reach the end. Their is a certain security in being in hell. In life these sinners had to worry about ailments, death, and discovery of their sins, as well as horrific tortures that they may have to go through if their sins were discovered. Not only did God grant them eternal life, he also granted them security. These souls now know that they will never have to worry about their punishments increasing. Once they reach their level of hell, they can go no further. Souls in circles 1 through 8 know that there are worse punishments below that they will never have to bear.

Free will is the cause of hell. If God had controlled everyone's life, there would be no need for hell, but He gave us the gift of free will. Not only did humans receive the gift of free will, they also received the gift of immortality, and for most sinners, a certain sense of security in the fact that their tortures will never increase.

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